Carex cryptolepis Mack. - Northeastern Sedge


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Carex cryptolepis - (image 1 of 2)



Family: Cyperaceae


Section Ceratocystis


Wet meadows and shores. Some sources suggest that it is specifically not found in calcareous areas, however these plants were found growing in a wet calcareous meadow with Symphyotrichum boreale.




Newfoundland to MN, south to NJ, OH, and IN.


Tufted perennial, 20-60 cm; stem surpassing the leaves; leaves 1.5-3.5 mm wide; pistillate scales lance-ovate, about equaling the body of the perigynium and therefore inconspicuous, yellowish green; perigynia greenish to yellowish or golden-brown, 3.2-4.8 mm, reflexed, contracted to the smooth beak 1.3-2.3 mm long.


Fruiting June to August

Wetland indicator: OBL

Differs from C. flava and C. viridula in that the pistillate scales are similar in color to the perigynia rather than a contrasting brownish color. Plants from the Great Lakes region of MI, IN, and OH with larger perigynia with serrulate beaks have been recently recognized as C. viridistellata Derieg, Reznicek, & Bruederle


Gleason, Henry A. and A. Cronquist. 1991. Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada. Second Ed.
The New York Botanical Garden. Bronx, NY




© Michael Hough 2018