Family: Leguminosae
Sandy soils, oak savanna.
Andropogon scoparius, Arabis lyrata, Artemesia caudata, Asclepias tuberosa, Euphorbia corollata, Helianthemum canadense, Helianthus divaricatus, Koeleria cristata, Lespedeza capitata, Liatris aspera, Lithospermum croceum, Oenothera clelandii, Panicum oligosanthes, Pteridium aquilinium, Quercus velutina, Rhus copallina latifolia, Rosa carolina, Smilacina stellata, Tradescantia ohiensis, Viola pedata lineariloba, Vitis riparia.
Eastern US.
Herbaceous perennial to 2'. Leaves palmate compound; leaflets oblong lanceolate, slightly hairy, to 2" long. Flowers blue to blue-violet, pea-like in an upright, elongate, terminal cluster. Fruit a hairy pod to 2" long; seeds smooth, brown and spotted.
Flowers late April to late July.
Wetland indicator: Upland
A beautiful plant that prefers sandy soil in partial sun. The larval food plant of the endangered Karner Blue Butterfly.
Niering, W. A. 1979. The Audubon society field guide to North American
wildflowers: eastern region.
Knopf/Random House, New York.
Swink, F. and G. Wilhelm. 1994. Plants of the Chicago Region.
Indiana Academy of Science. The Morton Arboretum. Lisle, Illinois.
Michael Hough © 2005 |