Uvularia perfoliata L. - Perfoliate Bellwort


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Uvularia perfoliata - (image 1 of 5)



Family: Liliaceae


Moist woods, typically in acid soils but also in calcareous soils.




Southern NH to southern Ontario, and OH, south to SC, GA, western FL, and eastern TX.


Perennial from a slender rhizome; stem 20-40 cm at anthesis, becoming taller later; forking above, bearing 2-4 leaves below the fork, 1-4 on the sterile branch, and several leaves and 1-3 flowers on the fertile branch; leaves perfoliate, oval to lance-oblong, up to 9 cm long, glabrous beneath; flowers yellow; tepals 17-25 mm, acute or acuminate, conspicuously orange-yellow glandular-papillose within.


Flowers May to June

Wetland indicator: FACU

Similar to U. grandiflora but the leaves not hairy on the underside (vs. minutely hairy) and with papillose glands on the inner surface of the tepals (vs. tepals glabrous).


Gleason, Henry A. and A. Cronquist. 1991. Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada. Second Ed.

The New York Botanical Garden. Bronx, NY




 Michael Hough © 2018