Family: Asteraceae
Moist open habitats. Moist prairies, alluvial terraces, marshes.
OH, IN and KY west to ND and MT, south AR to CO. May have been introduced further east.
Herbaceous perennial to 1.4 m. Stems often red or purple, mostly glabrous but often puberulent above. Leaves alternate, sessile or subsessile, glabrous, denticulate to sharply serrate, pitted-punctate beneath. Inflorescence flat and dense, to 10 cm wide; flowers 10-26; involucre 5-9 mm, the principle bracts rounded to subacute, entire or sparsely ciliate, often glabrous on the back; pappus tawny to purple.
Flowers mid July to early October
Wetland indicator: Facultative Wetland
There are two varieties. The more eastern variety is var. fasciculata and occurs from OH, IN, and KY to MN, eastern NE, eastern KS, and eastern OK.
Gleason, Henry A. and A. Cronquist. 1991. Manual of Vascular Plants of
Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada. Second Ed.
The New York Botanical Garden. Bronx, NY
Swink, F. and G. Wilhelm. 1994. Plants of the Chicago Region.
Indiana Academy of Science. The Morton Arboretum. Lisle, Illinois.
Michael Hough © 2005 |