Coreopsis grandiflora Hogg ex Sweet - Large-flowered Tickseed


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Coreopsis grandiflora - (image 1 of 3)



Family: Asteraceae


Dry to mesic open habitats.




ME and Quebec to FL, west to IL, IA, OK, and TX. Thought to be native to the south central U.S. and likely introduced in the northern and eastern portions of its current range.


Clustered perennial to 1 m from a short caudex, sometimes annual; stems leafy nearly to the summit, the 1-many slender peduncles 5-20 cm, rarely more than half as long as the leafy part of the stem; leaves mostly pinnatifid into linear-filiform to lance-linear segments, the lateral lobes rarely more than 5 mm wide, the terminal one sometimes to 1 cm; outer bracts lance-subulate; rays yellow, less than 3 cm, irregularly lobed at the apex; disk corollas mostly 5-lobed; style-appendages acute, often cuspidately so; achenes often with a large callous ventral excrescence at the top and bottom, the wings thin, not strongly incurved. 


Flowers May to June

Wetland indicator: NA

Frequently cultivated and occasionally escapes. Similar to C. lanceolata which has leaves restricted to the base of the plant, long, mostly leafless, pedunculoid branches, and slightly larger flowers.


Gleason, Henry A. and A. Cronquist. 1991. Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada. Second Ed.
The New York Botanical Garden. Bronx, NY




 Michael Hough © 2018