Geum macrophyllum Willd. - Large-leaved Avens


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Geum macrophyllum - (image 1 of 6)



Family: Rosaceae


Moist woods and rocky ledges.




Newfoundland and Labrador to AK and eastern Asia, south to ME, VT, NY, MI, MN, and CA.


Herbaceous perennial; stems stout, to 1 m, hirsute; basal leaves long-petiolate, the terminal segment rotund to reniform, 5-12 cm wide, often 3-lobed, the lateral lobes few and much smaller, interspersed with minute leaflets; upper leaves short-petiolate to sessile, deeply 3-lobed or 3-foliate; petals yellow, 4-7 mm, more or less exceeding the sepals; achene minutely pubescent throughout, hirsute near the summit; basal segment of style minutely glandular, the terminal segment minutely pubescent.


Flowers May to June

Wetland indicator: FACW

This species has a mostly northern distribution and only occurs in cool valleys and ravines in the southern portion of its range. The plants shown here are typical G. macrophyllum which have eglandular pedicels. The var. perincisum has glandular-puberulent pedicels and more deeply divided upper cauline leaves. Both varieties occasionally hybridize with G. rivale. Plants are mostly done flowering around the time that G. aleppicum begins to flower.

The basal leaves are distinct in May and June, though many other Geum ssp. produce similar leaves later in the year.


Gleason, Henry A. and A. Cronquist. 1991. Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada. Second Ed.
The New York Botanical Garden. Bronx, NY




 Michael Hough © 2018